According to the American Dental Association, roughly 15 percent of Americans are affected by jaw joint pain or a temporomandibular disorder (TMD). When not working optimally, jaw joints can become strained and cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including headaches.

To learn more about this dental condition and how we can help, please call Aspenwood Dental Associates and Colorado Dental Implant Center in Aurora, CO, at 303-751-3321.

What Is TMJ Disorder?

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are located on each side of your jaw. They are hinged joints connecting the jaw to the skull. The TMJs make it possible to open and close your mouth and move your jaw from side to side. They are surrounded by muscles and ligaments. You use these joints, muscles, and ligaments every time you speak, chew or swallow.

Anytime a problem interferes with the efficient function of the TMJs, it may result in discomfort. This strain or inefficient function of the TMJs is typically what we refer to as a TMJ disorder (TMD). Symptoms include:

  • Popping or clicking from the jaw
  • Inner ear pain
  • Chronic headaches
  • Facial pain
  • Jaw soreness
  • Jaw locks open or closed

These symptoms may be a sign that the muscles, ligaments, and jaw joints are not working harmoniously. Muscle strain, tension, or problems with the bones, or the joint itself may be the cause. Specifically, common causes include:

  • Teeth grinding
  • Teeth clenching
  • Misaligned bite
  • Arthritis
  • Jaw joint dislocation
  • Jaw injury

The only way to know if your symptoms are caused by TMJ/TMD or another issue is to visit our experienced dentists at Aspenwood Dental. Our team can evaluate your symptoms, your bite, review your dental history, as well as perform other assessments as part of determining the cause of your discomfort.

TMJ Treatment

The TMJ is incredibly necessary when it comes to eating, chewing and simply opening and closing your mouth to speak. When the joint becomes inflamed or painful, you may find that it gets in the way of living your best life. Some problems to look for concerning the TMJ include:

  • Clicking, popping or grinding of the jawbone
  • Inability to open your mouth fully without pain or discomfort
  • Inflammation and tenderness
  • Earaches that are otherwise unexplained
  • Difficulty chewing and biting into your favorite foods
  • Locking of the jaw

To relieve discomfort coming from your jaw joints, our treatments will focus on correcting the root cause. Oftentimes, this means making sure your jaw and bite are properly aligned and not causing any strain on the joints. It may also mean correcting any misalignment that is straining the surrounding muscles and nerves.

Potential treatment options include:

  • Restoring teeth to align and balance the bite
  • Prescribing a night guard to prevent teeth grinding
  • Discussing stress reduction techniques to alleviate jaw tension
  • Orthodontic treatment to reposition your teeth to be in harmony with the joints

Our dentists in Aurora, CO, are committed to presenting you all of the possible treatment options and helping you build a plan that meets your goals and expectations. With proper dental care, you can once again enjoy the full function of your teeth and jaws without pain and discomfort.

Your TMJ Evaluation

If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of TMJ disorder in Aurora, CO, please call Aspenwood Dental Associates and Colorado Dental Implant Center at 303-751-3321, or visit us at to arrange your consultation.

We can diagnose TMJ and send you to a specialist who can solve the problem. Our practice is located in Aurora, Colorado, and we proudly provide care for people from Denver, Centennial, and all of the surrounding areas.

What happens during TMJ Treatment?

In some cases, TMJ problems resolve on their own and are simply temporary. If the pain, discomfort and swelling persists, we'll often recommend physical therapy, muscle relaxants, pain relievers and hot/cold therapy as a way to help ease your suffering. In more extreme cases, surgery is required to help improve motion of the jaw and prevent swelling. The most common procedure performed is known as temporomandibular arthrocentesis, which simply means that the fluid is removed from the joint before the bone is realigned. Surgery-free options are always sought after first before considering more invasive procedures.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our office