What is Nitrous Sedation?

Nitrous sedation is ideal for patients who want to be relaxed and calm during their dental appointments. This type of sedative is safe, effective and can be used for patients of all ages. The process of administering nitrous oxide is easy and quick, and the effects wear off quickly once the procedure has been completed. We often recommend nitrous oxide to patients who are nervous or scared of their upcoming treatment or who have trouble sitting still when work is being done.

Why is Nitrous Sedation needed?

There are a few reasons for why you might want to choose nitrous oxide sedation. The most common reason for wanting it is because you're afraid, nervous or downright panicked because of the work being done. You might benefit from this type of sedative if you are unable to sit still for long periods of time. This sedative option is ideal for patients who want to benefit from some type of sedation without necessarily being asleep for the procedure.

Who is a candidate for Nitrous Sedation?

Most of our patients are good candidates for nitrous oxide sedation. We will review your health and medical history to determine if and when you'd benefit from sedation. You can request nitrous oxide at virtually any time while in our office. We will be happy to meet your needs when coming in to have work done.

What happens during the Nitrous Sedation process?

Nitrous oxide is a relatively simple sedative that can work wonders when it comes to calming you down and relaxing you. We will place a small mask over your nose and instruct you to breathe in. The sweet-smelling gas will begin to work almost immediately, relaxing and calming you while we begin the actual procedure. Once the mask is removed, the effects wear off relatively quickly. It is still important that you have a friend or relative bring you home from the appointment as you may not be able to drive on your own.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our office

If you think you might benefit from nitrous sedation, call our office today and one of our helpful team members will be happy to further assist you.