What is Sedation Dentistry?

Do you avoid the dentist because you feel anxious when you get to the treatment chair? This type of anxiety and nervousness is fairly common. You may have always felt this way, or you may have developed some anxiety following a negative treatment experience as a child. If these emotions and physiological reactions have gotten in the way of your dental care, one of the various types of sedation may help you overcome this challenge.

To learn more, please call the experienced Aurora and Denver sedation dentists at Aspenwood Dental Associates and Colorado Dental Implant Center at 303-751-3321.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Various types of sedation allow you to relax while you receive treatment. It may be right for you if one or more of the following applies:

  • Dental anxiety
  • Dental phobia
  • Sensitive gag reflex
  • Necessity for multiple treatments to be performed at once
  • Fear or anxiety related to dental instruments, sounds and smells

Most people do not enjoy the sound of a high-tech dental drill, but they can successfully tolerate it. But for some, it's these sights, sounds and other characteristics of a dental office that give them significant anxiety.

Although we have designed our office with comfort, familiarity and warmth in mind, we know that some people still experience anxiety. For those people, dental care may feel out of reach. Fortunately, sedation is a safe, effective way to get the care you need and deserve.

Types of Sedation

There are three main types of sedation:

Nitrous oxide. Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is breathed through a small mask while the dentist completes your treatment. You'll still be fully awake, although you may feel more relaxed. Laughing gas allows you to feel relaxed until your appointment is completed. The effects go away quickly after the mask is removed.

Oral conscious sedation. Sedating medication is delivered orally, which will allow you to relax and detach from your anxiety. You are awake and conscious, but may feel sleepy.

IV sedation. For surgery, such as tooth extractions or dental implant placement, IV (intravenous) sedation may be recommended. IV sedation puts you in a sleep-like state, which means you won't feel any of the sensations of the dental treatment and you won't have any memory of the procedure.

As you discuss your treatment plan with our dentists, they can recommend the sedation that fits the treatment and your particular level of anxiety.

Signs You May Benefit From Sedation

If you are interested in sedation, the only way to know for sure if you are a candidate is to consult our dentists. Here are a few signs you may have dental anxiety:

  • You have avoided the dentist for years
  • You experience butterflies in your stomach or your heart races as you receive your dental care
  • You are very nervous every time you go to a dental office

Our dentists want you to feel comfortable in our safe office setting. Especially if you have avoided the dentist for years, getting the care you need can be life-enhancing. We want you to be able to access that care, and our dentists can help you decide if sedation is the right way to do so.

What Is Sleep Dentistry?

You may have heard sedation referred to as "sleep dentistry," which is a phrase most dentists use to refer to oral sedation. "Twilight dentistry" is usually referring to IV sedation. Rest assured our dentists will make sure you know which sedation options are available to you and what each type involves.

Choose Our Sedation Dentists

The dentists at our practice have successfully treated many anxious patients over the past decade using various forms of sedation to allow the patients to get the treatment they need. Experience is an important quality to look for in a sedation dentist. You want a doctor who understands when these methods are appropriate and the best ways to apply them to the individual patient.

Find Out If You Are a Candidate

To arrange a free consultation to meet our team and our experienced sedation dentists in Aurora, CO, please call Aspenwood Dental Associates and Colorado Dental Implant Center at 303-751-3321. We proudly serve Denver and all of the surrounding areas. We look forward to meeting you to discuss how you can get the comfortable, safe and relaxing dental care you deserve.

How Can I Schedule an Appointment for Sedation Dentistry?

Scheduling an appointment for Sedation Dentistry is easy! Contact us or Call us at (303) 751-3321 to get started today.